Hi! My name is Vanessa, the owner and founder of AradiaRose Apothecary.

I've always had a love for ancient history, religion, and connections to the "unseen". So much, in fact, that I earned double bachelors in history and religious studies. This accomplishment would end up being the catalyst for my own personal journey of spiritual healing. I've helped hundreds of people deconstruct the dogmatic religious narratives that prevented them from authentic spiritual alignment - helping many return to God by healing their religious trauma through the understandings of historical and socio-cultural contexts of perceived witchcraft, and the evolution of biblical narratives. But, besides my love for "unfucking dogmatic tradition" I also hold a deep and profound love for nature.

blending traditional healing with clinical knowledge

As a child, I often made potions from mud, water, and rocks. Stirring them with sticks as I shared a kiddie pool filled with the tiniest of baby frogs (that were caught using my mother's finest tupperware containers). I loved nature. It spoke to me. It understood me. It welcomed me. It made me feel like I belonged in a world that was designed to reject me. And as a history/religious studies major, I am tethered to the ancient world - fully fascinated with the knowledge and experience of the ancestral wisdom in which all modern understandings are built upon today. And as a lifelong student, I wanted to learn more, understand more. So I began pursuing a graduate degree in clinical herbalism. The timing could not have been more divinely profound as I started a new chapter in my life - struggling with medically induced menopause after undergoing a total hysterectomy at the age of 32.

It hit me like a semi-truck. The hot flashes, the insomnia, but the anxiety - the anxiety was debilitating, so much so that I wound up leaving my job with the local school district. Things I used to love doing were now bringing me to near panic attacks. I couldn't even drive anymore. I thought I was going insane. For 7 years I sought help from my doctors, and for 7 years all I got was "your labs are fine". They even went as far as to referring me to a mental health clinic for "covid depression". I was hopeless, trapped in the shell of a body I no longer recognized. So I took the clinical knowledge I was learning while in graduate school and applied it towards healing the aspects of myself that the medical profession continued to dismiss time and time again - the anxiety, the depression, the insomnia, the hot flashes, the swelling, the joint pain. And through this process I found relief from these symptoms and started slowly finding myself again. Plants did this - not big pharma - not my doctors - plants. And this is where my life and my experience comes full circle...

As a child, I dreamed of crafting potions, unaware that this passion would blossom into a lifelong journey - one that now bridges science and spirit to bring you the healing power of nature.

I am happy to serve your needs and honored to gain your trust. Â